Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Meet Bumble the Bat

Boo the Bat has a new brother, Bumble. My grandson Erik wanted a companion for Boo, so now they are both happy. I better get busy on the sweater for Katie. I'm a little behind. Friday morning I leave for 9 days with my sister in Waukesha, Wisconsin. I will have lots of knitting time while there, so hopefully I can catch up. I'll post pictures of the sweater later. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

NaKniSweMo KAL

Here is the start of my sweater for the NaKniSweMo KAL (this stands for knit a 50,000 stitch sweater in a month). It's for my granddaughter, Katie, who lives in North Carolina. Send me good wishes that I can get if finished on time and that it fits her.

Election Tuesday!

Be sure to vote!